Queris MES upgrade to version 3.47

The Queris MES system has been upgraded to version 3.47, which has improved the performance of selected existing functions and introduced several new features.

We have completed work on the next major update to our system, which will soon be distributed to selected users with active service support. Below we publish a description of the most important modifications and a full list of the changes introduced.

New data visualization module on industrial screens

Release 3.47 is first and foremost a brand new extended visualization module, enabling the creation of any visualization on large industrial screens placed on the shop floor, in offices or control rooms, without the need to involve developers in this activity.

Thanks to this feature, you can easily and quickly develop views dedicated to individual organizational units, for example:

  • screen view for the quality control department,
  • a screen view for a logistician,
  • screen view for the foreman,
  • screen view for a technologist
  • and other data visualizations that will present information provided by Queris MES.

In addition, the visualizations can be fed with data from any other systems (CMMS, ERP, WMS, etc.) through easy integration to present all the necessary information for a given situation.

Production sockets

The new release of Queris MES 3.47 also introduces improved support for production nests, thanks to which the system can monitor production billed not by individual machines, but by nests (jobshop) with greater efficiency. Along with this feature, we have introduced new possibilities for integration and communication of our solution with other systems used in this type of production.

In addition, the new nest handling function allows full scheduling of nests in the MES system, without the need to use other tools for this purpose.

Other amendments and changes

Most of the other changes that the 3.47 update introduces consist of modifications, refinements and development of existing functionality.


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